What we Believe




  1. The Divine inspiration, authority, sufficiency and Inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures.

  2. The Trinity of the Godhead, consisting of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, one God.

  3. The perfect deity, the virgin birth and the perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  4. The death of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross as the only perfect and effective sacrifice for sin, His subsequent burial and resurrection and ascension into Heaven.

  5. The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ for and with His saints.

  6. The fall of man, rendering all men sinners before God, necessitating the sacrifice of Christ and the regenerating and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

  7. The justification of the sinner by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

  8. Death is not final. There is conscious existence after death, and the dead will be raised either to life or condemnation.

  9. The blessing of the saved and the punishment of the lost are alike eternal.

  10. The personality of the devil.



 (a)  The observance of the Lord’s Supper, welcoming on that occasion all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ known to be sound in faith and living godly lives.

(b)   The Baptism of believers by immersion at their request and on personal confession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.