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Illuminate is a Bible study for young people in S1 - S3 and meets on Wednesday night from 7:00-8:30pm. We do a variety of topics and Bible books, applying them to real life as a teenager in todays challenging world! For more information contact Matthew on 07702042528



Youth Drop In currently runs once a month on a Friday evening in partnership with North East Scotland Youth for Christ. The drop in is open from 8pm and closes at 11pm. The format of the night is very relaxed, young people aged 13 and up can come and go as they please and enjoy activities such as cage football, table tennis, snooker and more! For more information contact Matthew on 07702042528.

NECYC Senior camps

Senior camps are for young people aged S1-S4 and we are delighted to partner with other churches in the local area to offer an amazing weekend in February and a full week in July. See the NECYC website below for more information.